Welcome back, last week our case law update covered the highly influential Pilmlico Plumbers case. This week, as it’s the last Friday of the month, it’s time to step away from the world of case law and take a wider view at the changing face of employment law. Not only that, we have some very exciting PJH Law news for you too.
The government has published the latest list of employers who failed to pay the minimum wage and as always there are some surprising offenders. Debenhams, Subway and Peacocks are some of the largest companies to be caught out, with Debenhams owing £134,000 to 12,000 employees.
Over 360 employers underpaid the minimum wage last year, with this being the first year the National Living Wage was included in the data. The worst offenders were in the hairdressing and hospitality sectors and common excuses included, not knowing about the National Living Wage and believing it was legal to allow tips to form part of pay.
There are heavy fines for offenders, as well as having to repay the underpaid employees. That coupled with the negative publicity for not paying the minimum wage, means it is worth making sure you are ready for the new NMW rates in April.
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