Employer Tribunal Representation

Hilco Capital Limited v Harrington

Hello and welcome back to your weekly case law update. Last week we looked at the disclosure of documents and how legal advice might not be protected from legal privilege. This week we are looking at mitigation of claims. If an employee is successful in an Employment Tribunal claim then they will be awarded a [...]

Mr C H Tan v Copthorne Hotels Ltd

  Today’s case considers a hefty costs order of almost half a million pounds, and raises some important points in relation to employment tribunal rules as well as etiquette. Mr. Tan was employed by Copthorne Hotels as a Senior Vice President of Procurement. He had been with the company for 5 years, before being made [...]

Lowri Beck Services Ltd v Brophy – Appeal

The question this week is: Can a misunderstood termination date justify an extension of a Claimant’s limitation date? Is it sensible to appeal a decision on the above to the Court of Appeal? Lowri Beck Services Ltd v Brophy Mr Brophy, the Claimant, was dismissed by Lowri Beck Services, the Respondent, over the telephone on [...]

Ali v Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago

Hello and welcome back to your weekly case law update. Last week we looked at disability discrimination. This week we look at whether an express term in a contract of employment can be subject to a ‘limiting’ implied term. The interesting decision in this case by the Privy Council (on appeal from Trinidad and Tobago […]

By |2017-03-17T16:58:01+00:00March 17th, 2017|Employer Tribunal Representation|0 Comments

Can a self-employed contractor bring a disability discrimination claim?

Smith v Pimlico Plumbers Welcome back, after last week’s religious discrimination update, we have another Case Law Update for you. This week’s case is about a plumber and is one you may have heard about in the news. It is yet another example of the employee/worker/self-employed debate, this follows the Uber decision and the rise […]

By |2017-02-17T10:02:59+00:00February 17th, 2017|Employer Tribunal Representation|0 Comments

Government Review Tribunal Fees – Published

Tribunal Fees have been a contentious issue since their introduction in July 2013. In March 2017, the Supreme Court is set to hear the case of R (UNISON) v Lord Chancellor in  March 2017. UNISON have been challenging Employment Tribunal fees on the grounds that they are discriminatory and obstruct access to justice. However, the […]

By |2017-02-03T11:46:39+00:00February 3rd, 2017|Employer Tribunal Representation|0 Comments

Uber Drivers

Today’s case of the week is the case involving Uber. If you have not yet done so, read the judgment. It is very well put together on uber drivers. The decision will be read around the world. Careful readers of the footnotes will see that two greats of English Literature, William Shakespeare and John Milton, are quoted […]

By |2016-11-04T11:19:27+00:00November 4th, 2016|Employer Tribunal Representation|0 Comments