What is Bullying & Harassment?
Employers have a duty of care to ensure your workplace is safe environment, contact us now, if any bullying or harassment has left you feeling unsafe or unwell.
What is bullying?
It is abusive, scary, cruel, humiliating or insulting behaviour towards an individual by another person. Sometimes it can be all of these, and it happens through no fault or reason of the employee. Bullying occurs all too often in the workplace and is when someone uses or abuses their power to undermine, humiliate or injure another person. It can be very damaging for the victim. Employers have a duty to ensure your workplace is safe. Allowing bullying to take place breaches your right to work in a safe environment,
Bullying examples:
- Aggressive behaviour or singling someone out for unfair criticism
- Excluding, victimising or deliberately undermining someone
- Spreading rumours or confidential/sensitive information about someone
- Insults or offensive behaviour toward a colleague’s appearance or lifestyle
- Creating a hostile, degrading, humiliating or intimidating environment for an individual
- Spreading rumours or confidential/sensitive information about someone
- Deliberately undermining a competent worker by criticism
What is harassment?
Harassment in the workplace can take many forms and is different from bullying; although the two are often confused. It is when someone’s unwanted conduct or actions relate to the personal (or ‘protected’) characteristics of another person, for example, their age, disability, gender, race, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
Harassment has the purpose or effect of turning your working environment into one that is hostile, offensive and degrading for you as an individual or as part of a group of people.
There are three types of harassment:
- Unwanted conduct based on a protected characteristic that has the purpose or effect of violating your dignity and or making your workplace hostile or offensive degrading and or humiliating.
- It is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature.
- It is unfair treatment based on rejecting sexual harassment.
Examples of harassment:
- Unwanted physical contact based on a protected characteristic.
- Unwanted derogatory comments based on a protected characteristic – e.g. racist or sexist remarks, nude calendars in the workplace or as a screensaver.
- Being ignored and excluded because of a protected characteristic.
- Unwanted sexual advances.
If you wish to discuss your concerns and how best to proceed, contact our legal team on 01780 757589, request a call-back or complete our quick online enquiry form.
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