Lowri Beck Services Ltd v Brophy – Appeal

The question this week is: Can a misunderstood termination date justify an extension of a Claimant’s limitation date? Is it sensible to appeal a decision on the above to the Court of Appeal? Lowri Beck Services Ltd v Brophy Mr Brophy, the Claimant, was dismissed by Lowri Beck Services, the Respondent, over the telephone on [...]

Lowri Beck Services Ltd v Brophy

This week we are looking at tribunal procedure and limitation dates. The case is actually one we have covered when it was a mere Employment Tribunal claim, since then the employer has appealed the decision in both the EAT and Court of Appeal. Limitation dates are the final date a Claimant has to commence ACAS [...]

Lowry Beck Services Ltd v Brophy

Our next case is another update concerning tribunal procedure (cheers/groans), this time focusing on the electrifying, high-octane world of limitation dates. For those of you who aren’t familiar with how limitation works for employment tribunal claims, much of the background law is summarised in our previous update of DHL v Fazackerley. The question in this [...]

DHL Supply Chain Ltd v Fazackerley

Hello and welcome back to your weekly case law update. Last week we looked at constructive dismissal and pay cuts. This week we are looking at a procedural case about bringing claims out of time. A few weeks ago, we covered a case about limitation dates and ACAS Early Conciliation. Not only do prospective Claimants […]

Time limits in Tribunal

It is imperative that Tribunal time limits are adhered to as it is very difficult to argue that ‘it was not reasonably practicable’ to comply.  One example of where it may not be reasonably practicable to comply is where medical conditions create an impediment, as illustrated by the EAT case of Mrs Franks v The […]

By |2019-12-29T18:19:12+00:00May 1st, 2012|Limitation Date and Period|0 Comments

Effective date of termination

The three months (minus a day) time frame for bringing the majority of employment related claims starts running from the effective date of termination (“EDT”).  Clearly establishing this date is therefore crucial. The EAT has considered another case where the EDT is uncertain due to ambiguous wording in a dismissal letter.  In the case of […]

Out of time

The case published today in the EAT of Northamptonshire County Council v Entwhistle is a useful reminder of the law around the reasonably practicable argument when a Claimant presents a claim outside the normal time limit for unfair dismissal and has sought advice. In this case the Respondent wrongly informed the Claimant he had three […]

Out of time claims (again!)

I am like a dog with a bone with my blogs on this point this week ! Yet another EAT case concerning whether a claim has been brought in time. The limitation period for unfair dimissal is three months.  Mr Scerbaks presented his claim on 7 March 2009.  This means that his effective date of […]

By |2019-12-29T18:42:44+00:00April 27th, 2010|Limitation Date and Period|0 Comments

Extensions of Time to Bring Unfair Dismissal Claims

An EAT decision published today has upheld a decision made in our local Employment Tribunal in Leicester allowing a Claimant an extension of time to bring his unfair dismissal claim because it was not reasonably practicable for him to claim within the usual 3 month time limit from the date of his dismissal. In this case the […]

Narrow Escape – EAT Deadlines

In Anderson v Hilton International UK a firm of Solicitors who left filing a form 3 (response to appeal at the EAT) to the last day and later found out that their fax machine had only sent the first page succeeded in securing a retrospective time extension of one day. The firm thought that the […]

By |2019-12-30T10:39:46+00:00February 9th, 2009|Limitation Date and Period|0 Comments

Get the spelling right!

The case of Anthony Chowles t/a Granary Pine v West in the EAT illustrates the importance of correct spelling when completing an ET1 form. The Claimant spelt the Respondent’s name incorrectly and also entered the wrong postcode. The Respondent did not lodge a response and the Tribunal entered a default judgment and awarded the Claimant £18,310. […]