Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhuti

Season’s Greetings! It’s the countdown to Christmas and this is actually your final case law update of the year with next week’s newsletter being the final update of 2019. For anyone who has read every update this year, thank you and well done. A guide of alternative hobbies will also be working its way to [...]

By |2019-12-24T16:55:45+00:00December 13th, 2019|Case of the Week - Blog, WhistleBlowing|0 Comments

Chesterton v Nurmohamed – Can Public disclosures have a private interest

This is a whistleblowing case we covered a few years ago, that has since been through the High Court and Court of Appeal. The question from the original case remains the same; can a disclosure that is in the private interests of the worker also be in the public interest if it impacts other workers […]

By |2019-12-24T20:16:46+00:00July 12th, 2017|Case of the Week - Blog, WhistleBlowing|0 Comments

Does it matter if the employer believes disclosures weren’t protected even though the principal reason for dismissal was the disclosures?.

Welcome back to your weekly update. We can’t bring you another bank holiday weekend (yet!) but we can deliver an interesting case on whistleblowing. It is worth noting at this point that the Employment Rights Act 1996 (s103A) protects an employee from being dismissed for making a protected disclosure. The facts of the case: The […]

By |2017-06-08T08:45:07+00:00June 8th, 2017|Employee Advice|0 Comments

Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhutti – Can an employee be fairly dismissed based on false evidence?

Hello and welcome back to your weekly dose of case law. Last weekwe looked at maternity discrimination and constructive dismissal. This week we will examine protected disclosures and whistleblowing. Today’s case is a tale riddled with deceit and espionage. This week’s case asks: Is an employee unfairly dismissed if the dismissing party based its decision on false […]

By |2019-12-28T13:32:20+00:00July 27th, 2016|WhistleBlowing|0 Comments

Morgan v Royal Mencap Society – Can a disclosure that only affects one employee be in the public interest?

Ms Morgan, the Claimant, was employed by the Royal Mencap Society, the Respondent. The Claimant had suffered serious knee and back injuries outside of work. The Claimant raised several complaints regarding cramped working conditions which were aggravating her injury. The Claimant resigned after these complaints were not addressed stating she had suffered detriment as a […]

By |2019-12-27T18:28:21+00:00April 20th, 2016|Health & Safety, Unfair Dismissal, WhistleBlowing|0 Comments

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust v Wyeth – The difference between unfair and automatically unfair dismissal

  Good afternoon, today’s case is quite an interesting case concerning whistleblowing, bullying and the fine line between fair dismissal and automatic unfair dismissal. There is no question as such today but that doesn’t mean there aren’t interesting points that can be taken away. Mr Wyeth, the Claimant, worked for Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, the […]

By |2019-12-27T18:47:00+00:00September 18th, 2015|Unfair Dismissal, WhistleBlowing|0 Comments

Schaathun V Executive & Business Aviation Support Ltd

Good afternoon, we hope today’s case will pass the time on a sunny Friday afternoon. This weeks’ case is rather juicy and concerns protected disclosures, office romances gone sour, driving planes whilst drunk and just in case that isn’t enough drama there is also a bit of embezzlement involved (cue dramatic music). The question this […]

By |2019-12-28T13:47:25+00:00July 10th, 2015|Unfair Dismissal, WhistleBlowing|0 Comments