Upcoming Changes to the Furlough Scheme and Lockdown.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is expected to unveil changes to the Government's furlough scheme sometime today. The scheme is currently subsidising 80% of wages for workers temporarily furloughed due to the coronavirus pandemic up to a maximum of £2,500.00. There have been suggestions that the level of wages subsidised will be cut to 60% or less. [...]

A ray of light?

As the death rate hopefully continues to fall and the curves make their way downwards, we await the details of the government’s exit plan. With Rishi Sunak making it clear that the furlough scheme is likely to be wound down gradually (it currently runs until the end of June) as the cost is unsustainable (taxpayers [...]

April 2020 Newsletter

Despite April only having 30 days, the seemingly longest month of our lives has ended, which means it is time for our employment law update to round up some of the employment law news of the month. COVID-19 has dominated all news including employment law but will only feature as a segue or McGuffin into [...]

PJH Law are offering…

  free telephone advice appointments on Friday 17 April 2020 for employers or employees affected by Covid19, call Emma Roberts on 01780 757589 to book an appointment with one of our Solicitors.

Your weekend reading is now available. Everything you wanted to know about furlough but were afraid to ask

Q & A Employer Questions How long will the Job Retention Scheme be available for? At present, the Government have indicated it will last for 3 months from March 1st to the end of May 2020 Can employees be brought into the scheme who are already on sick leave or receiving SSP/CSP due to self-isolation? [...]

Your handy guide to key HR terms in the age of Covid-19

PJH Law has been helping employers through this difficult period. Here are some key terms that explain the different options. Key Terms: Short time is less than half a week’s work and pay in any one week for the purposes of redundancy pay under section 147, but any one workless day in any week for [...]

The 358 page long Coronavirus Act 2020 received Royal Assent yesterday.

The Act introduces a wide range of measures. Tucked away in section 8 and schedule 7 of the Act (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2020/7/pdfs/ukpga_20200007_en.pdf - see page 96), is a new right for workers (note workers – not only employees) to take Emergency Volunteering Leave. The provisions only apply to employers with a headcount of 10 or more. The [...]

Furlough is not a term that is too familiar to HR Practitioners and employment lawyers.

Like most of you we had to reach for the dictionary. It appears to be a term used more in the US than the UK. Whilst we await details from HMRC of the 80% subsidy for furloughed employees, over and above those already announced, PJH Law’s understanding is as follows: Employers identify which employees are [...]

Covid19 the Special Employment Law Edition

This week we will be giving a snapshot view of key issues arising this week with our employer clients. Lay off /Short Time/ Redundancy: Many employers out there are facing a reduction in income and a fixed wage bill. Mr Micawber would not be happy at this state of affairs – many employers’ expenditure will [...]

By |2020-03-19T14:11:17+00:00March 19th, 2020|PJH & Industry News, Redundancy|0 Comments

Many workplace issues that we advise on involve an employee’s mental health. Our frontline of client contact, Emma Roberts and Jacinta Crummay, have attended a Mental Health First Aider training course to help build mental health awareness in the firm. Should you need any employment law advice on any issue related to mental health please [...]

By |2020-03-05T14:48:41+00:00March 5th, 2020|PJH & Industry News|0 Comments