Chancellor Rishi Sunak is expected to unveil changes to the Government’s furlough scheme sometime today. The scheme is currently subsidising 80% of wages for workers temporarily furloughed due to the coronavirus pandemic up to a maximum of £2,500.00.
There have been suggestions that the level of wages subsidised will be cut to 60% or less. Mr Sunak has also suggested that Furloughed workers could go back part time.
In reality many could lose their jobs anyway as struggling businesses close or shrink in the coronavirus recession.
We advise that employers and employees alike keep an eye on the continuing developments and plan their way ahead accordingly. PJH Law will be happy to help with any queries.
In a further announcement the government has revealed a staged exit plan with Boris Johnson defending the Government’s new “stay alert” message as he detailed “baby steps” towards easing the coronavirus lockdown in England. The immediate steps from tomorrow are:
- Those who cannot work from home “should travel to work if their workplace is open”. People should avoid public transport where possible.
- Sectors of the economy allowed to be open should be open, for example, food production, construction, manufacturing, and scientific research in laboratories.
- The government is advising that face masks) should be worn in enclosed spaces where social distancing is not always possible such as public transport or shops. Such face coverings are not intended to help the wearer but to protect the wearer inadvertently infecting others and it is advised they should not be worn by children under two.
- From tomorrow you can meet one other person in a public space such as a park. But social distancing and a gap of at least two metres must be kept. To confuse the issue a garden is not counted as a public space, so friends or relatives cannot visit each other.
- You can also drive to outdoor open spaces irrespective of distance, so long as you respect social distancing guidance while they are there.
Subject to there being no upsurge in infections the opening in stages of primary schools and non-essential shops to follow in June with the long-awaited haircut having to wait until July.
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