It came into force on the 5th of April and if you haven’t read our previous posts (click here and here ) read the summary below.
New mothers remain entitled to 52 weeks maternity leave and 39 weeks maternity pay. However, as from 5th April, a mother can share this leave and pay (except for the first 2 or 4 weeks compulsory maternity leave) with her partner or father of the child. This right applies to couples who are adopting, same-sex couples, co-habiting couples, and couples bringing up a child together even if the baby is from a previous relationship.
Parents can take the leave at the same time or divide the leave between them, the idea is it will allow greater flexibility for modern families. If that doesn’t complicate the matter enough there are a whole host of procedures both the employee and the employer need to carry out in order to qualify for shared parental leave. Furthermore there are repercussions should these procedures not be followed correctly.
We are hosting a seminar to address this issue. It will be taking place at The Cresset, Peterborough on the 24th April and tickets will be free. There will also be sessions on; Redundancy, Social Media, Holiday Pay and Early Conciliation. To book tickets or, to find out more, please click here ( ). We look forward to seeing you there.
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